Sarah Rafferty

Sarah was bitten by the acting bug as a junior in high school. When her drama teacher caught her running across his lawn to try not to miss soccer practice, he instructed her to skip practice and be part of the cast in Richard III and thus began her passion for acting. Sarah chose to combine her love of acting with her education by double-majoring at the level of English in Hamilton College and studying abroad to London, Oxford and London during her senior year. After graduating with a Hamilton College magnacum laude she continued through Yale Drama School. Sarah was urged to get educated about the arts through both her parents. Her mother chairs the English Department of the Convent of the Sacred Heart Greenwich CT along with her father being a painter. Both her talent and her education paid off. Samantha Who? is a TV star that has been featured in numerous TV programs including Law and Order, Six Feet Under Brothers & Sisters and Samantha Who? Without a Trace CSI Miami Bones feature film as well as a variety of stage plays, such as Four Single Fathers Falling For Grace as well as As You Like It. Sarah's acting work on television is further enhanced by her position as a spokesperson for the Alzheimer's Association. She speaks frequently on the subject. Sarah was the host of their last Sardi event in the month of March, 2016, where she was the host for three of their annual Sardi occasions. Sarah lives on the west and east coasts of the United States with her husband, two daughters, and is employed in Toronto.

Sarah Sarah Shannon Shannon Shannon


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